Our practice offers orthodontic treatments to give a beautiful smile to children, teenagers, and young adults
Orthodontic treatments in younger children (3-6 years of age) are necessary to correct problems with the bone bases, such as lateral crossbites or anterior crossbites.
Intervening so early is crucial in some clinical pictures that would become difficult to resolve in later age. Orthopedic-orthodontic appliances, anchored to the teeth, are used in order to seek movement at the level of the bone.
In addition, the correction of malocclusion at this age promotes a more harmonious growth of the face and improves masticatory and respiratory functions. When indicated, the effects of an early expansion of the upper jaw are not limited to bone modification alone but can assist the child’s growth by improving breathing.
Kids and teenagers
The age group between of 7 to 18 years is the one most frequently affected by orthodontic treatment.
After a careful diagnosis, the most suitable therapy will be identified using functional Orthopedic-orthodontic appliances (mobile appliances), or multi- bracket appliances (dental braces). The goal is to find the fastest way to achieve the best functional and aesthetic results.
Young adults
In the era of “selfies”, more and more young adults come to our practice requesting an aesthetic treatment to improve their smile. Our treatments today are aimed at achieving a wider smile line with greater exposure of the frontale upper teeth.
In order to achieve this, we use not only the “traditional” new fixed treatments but also less visible orthodontic systems such as aligners that allow dental movement, through a 3D digital design customized orthodontic treatment.
The problem and the solution
If you recognise any of these issues, Oral Park can help
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